Market analysis is a systematic process to understand and measure how your existing or new offerings will fare in the marketplace now and in the future. BirchGrove can customize its market analysis process to meet your needs, from definition and segmentation to sizing and forecasting, in over a dozen federal domains:
National defense (military security, homeland security, and aerospace and defense systems)
Science, space, and technology, including national defense technology
Federal law enforcement, litigation, and judicial activities
Energy commodities, technologies, and delivery systems
Natural resources and environmental conservation
Applied agricultural sciences and economic security programs
Multiple transportation modes
Education, training, and employment activities
Health care services, research, and occupational health
Health care technology
Program integrity for Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security
Food and nutrition assistance and social services delivery, including case management
Veterans benefits and services
Library and archival functions
Federal fiscal operations
Human resources management
Budget formulation and execution
Geospatial technology
Maintenance, repair, overhaul, and sustainment operations