We question conventional wisdom, so your hypothesis can be thoroughly validated
Sample case studies
Uncovered government contract cost for each Medicare transaction from federal budget, enabling client to develop a better price strategy
Developed conservative contractor-addressable market number to enable a private equity firm to bid on a spinoff company; 0.5% growth forecast countered 10% forecast by the target company; client was eventually able to buy the company at a realistic price
Analyzed changes to a specific contract over 10 year life cycle, explaining why incumbent had a stronger position, even though the number of contract changes suggested a program in trouble
Estimated program contract costs for consolidation of three major engineering services contracts; in hotly contested competition among large Aerospace & Defense firms, client won the resulting contract with no discussions with the government and successfully performed the work
One month after new appropriations made to a small government office, predicted that the office would be challenged to execute the contracts and spend the increased amount of money; four years later, the agency Inspector General published a report analyzing what had gone wrong in program execution
Used occupational data to quantify adjacent markets for a personal communication system, extending the market from special operations to 20+ industrial, commercial, and recreational uses
Forecasted defense contract spending for five years, then analyzed correlation of Virginia businesses to defense needs, illustrating match and mismatch; identified both vulnerabilities and opportunities for re-tooling Virginia business and demonstrated that spending changes were not as serious as believed
Developed new methodology for analyzing contract spending in the federal energy market, eliciting specific inquiries from Senate staff and subsequent discussions on the Hill
Developed method for rationalizing, prioritizing, and down-selecting competing communications requirements to a level that could be accommodated within the limited capacity of a satellite communications system; military departments and agencies with the competing requirements quickly concurred with the results
Precisely determined the military market for aviation de-icing chemicals, leading a Fortune® 500 company to revise and down-scope its market entry plans in that segment to more realistic expectations
Using open source data, provided a credible forecast of contract spending on professional services within the intelligence community, for use by a private equity firm in a high-profile acquisition of a company
Assisted a servicing federal agency in quantifying the multi-billion dollar federal market for its offerings; measured the extent to which over 130 other customer federal agencies regularly commit to intragovernmental transactions and contracts to purchase the kind of services offered by the servicing agency
Developed a Web-based tool for investigating the dynamics of geographic positioning among several direct competitors within the United States, over four years, thus enabling the client to visualize "white-space" locations where it could establish a presence and successfully compete
Quantified and segmented the federal contractor "industrial base" within a Washington metropolitan area county, assigning over 2,400 businesses to their respective sectors; measured the degree to which each sector was engaged contractually with federal agencies in the county; then identified high-potential sectors that could benefit from economic development assistance provided by the county
Knowledge is not lacking; instead, what's missing are the time and attention to make something of the available knowledge. BirchGrove can swiftly transform the knowledge into intelligence so you have the time to consider it and use it in making good decisions.
The government poses a special form of "big data" challenge — the challenge is not how to process and deliver data but how to interpret it once it's processed. BirchGrove applies the context so you can make rational decisions using the evidence.